Our People
Partnership 4 Kids relies on the dedication of full-time staff, part-time staff, AmeriCorps service members, practicum students, and interns to shepherd students to and through postsecondary education. Many P4K staff and AmeriCorps service members are successful graduates of the organization’s series of programs. Team members are categorized into eight departments: Finance and Human Resources, Development, Curriculum and Evaluation, Recruitment and Training, Elementary Program, Middle School Program, High School Program, and Postsecondary Program. Department heads and the organization president comprise an executive leadership team.
Deb Denbeck President 402-930-3003 ddenbeck@p4k.org
Nick Sasada Director of Program Operations 402-930-3004 nsasada@p4k.org
Joanne Poppleton Director of Elementary & Middle School Programming 402-557-6364 jpoppleton@p4k.org
Cheryl Murray Kerst Director of Development 402-930-3082 cmurray@p4k.org
Damien Coran Program & Curriculum Supervisor 402-557-6379 dcoran@p4k.org
Deanne Harris College Access Manager 402-930-3001 dharris@p4k.org
Linda Sanabria Post-Secondary Retention Specialist 402-557-6362 lsanabria@p4k.org
Janelle Butler Director of Postsecondary 402-210-5051 jbutler@p4k.org
Finance & Human Resources

Janel Reeves Human Resources, Finance, & Administrative Specialist 402-557-6389 jreeves@p4k.org
Teenah EdwardToe Accounting Coordinator tedwardtoe@p4k.org
Curriculum & Evaluation
Kabrina Kayser Student Success AmeriCorps Supervisor 402-930-3671 kkayser@p4k.org
Lori Lundholm Grants Coordinator llundholm@p4k.org
Marisa Lopez Communications Coordinator 402-930-3002 mlopez@p4k.org
Marlene Jackson Executive Administrative Assistant 402-930-3000 mjackson@p4k.org
Sarah Morgensen Development Operations Specialist 402-557-6386 smorgensen@p4k.org
Elementary Programming
Ben Beck Volunteer Program Coordinator 402-557-6385 bbeck@p4k.org
Deb Coniglio Curriculum and Assessment Specialist dconiglio@p4k.org
Jenny Nieto-Albarran Bilingual Program Coordinator 402-557-6377 jnieto-albarran@p4k.org
Middle School Programming
Jessica Cipriano-Ponce Lead Bilingual Program Coordinator 402-557-6376 jcipriano-ponce@p4k.org
High School Programming
Aalishiya Figures Student Success Coach – AmeriCorps Service Member 402-557-6388 afigures@p4k.org

Dakota Lieb Program Coordinator 402-557-6381 dlieb@p4k.org
Dani Ruiz-Martinez Bilingual Program Coordinator 402-557-6398 dmartinez@p4k.org
Maria Hernandez Bilingual Program Coordinator 402-557-6392 mhernandez@p4k.org
Stephanie Degante High School & Career Case Manager, AmeriCorps Service Member, Bilingual Team Member 402-930-3040 sdegante@p4k.org
Postsecondary Programming
Janelle Butler Director of Postsecondary 402-210-5051 jbutler@p4k.org
Mimi Salazar Portillo College & Career Case Manager, AmeriCorps Service Member 531-721-8062 msalazarportillo@p4k.org
Zoey Ballard Post-Secondary Specialist, AmeriCorps Service Member 308-258-7298 zballard@p4k.org